Thursday, February 23, 2012

#CHEAP Frank M. Ahearn The Digital Hit Man His Weapons for Combating the Digital World: And creating online deception to protect your personal privacy.

Frank M. Ahearn The Digital Hit Man His Weapons for Combating the Digital World: And creating online deception to protect your personal privacy.

Frank M. Ahearn The Digital Hit Man His Weapons for Combating the Digital World: And creating online deception to protect your personal privacy.

Frank M. Ahearn The Digital Hit Man His Weapons for Combating the Digital World: And creating online deception to protect your personal privacy. is a product to be taken into possession. Because there is very useful in applications. And it's a reasonable price. Not too expensive. Frank M. Ahearn The Digital Hit Man His Weapons for Combating the Digital World: And creating online deception to protect your personal privacy. can be purchased from the Internet. After Frank M. Ahearn The Digital Hit Man His Weapons for Combating the Digital World: And creating online deception to protect your personal privacy. was purchased. Products are delivered quickly. It makes our family very happy after work. It is very easy to use. The installation is easy because Frank M. Ahearn The Digital Hit Man His Weapons for Combating the Digital World: And creating online deception to protect your personal privacy. is easy to read and understand the information they love Frank M. Ahearn The Digital Hit Man His Weapons for Combating the Digital World: And creating online deception to protect your personal privacy. so much. We have recommended that we buy it all. If you are looking for a similar product that I recommend. Because the price is not too expensive. One. Frank M. Ahearn The Digital Hit Man His Weapons for Combating the Digital World: And creating online deception to protect your personal privacy. has a price. And limited.Frank M. Ahearn The Digital Hit Man His Weapons for Combating the Digital World: And creating online deception to protect your personal privacy.

Frank M. Ahearn The Digital Hit Man His Weapons for Combating the Digital World: And creating online deception to protect your personal privacy. Overview

From the world’s leading expert on finding people, disappearing people and pretext. The Digital Hit Man is the only book that teaches people how to create and use deception for the purpose of combating sites that violate your on-line privacy, be it scandalous information, negative information or the long-lost skeleton that digitally stepped out of the closet, now making your life miserable. The Digital Hit Man is written by the author of the bestselling book, How to Disappear: Erase Your Digital Footprint, Leave False Trails, and Vanish without a Trace. In his new book, Frank M. Ahearn divulges his weapons for combating the digital enemy. As a skip-tracer, Frank M. Ahearn has located thousands of people from all parts of the world, including celebrities, royalty and the infamous. Frank was the go-to guy for the UK tabloids in his heyday of skip-tracing, and prior to the phone hacking scandal. As a social engineer, he has obtained confidential phone records, bank records, airline records, credit card records and other sensitive information that he will take to the grave. As a disappearing artist, Frank operated his own private witness-protection program, and assisted victims of stalkers and others who needed to disappear from danger. Since there is no delete button you can use to rid negative on-line information, Ahearn now uses his skills of pretext and digital manipulation to combat the invasion of your privacy. AN EXCERPT: The Five Genes of Digital DNA SELF is the information that you provided to third-party sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, blogs, Twitter, online comments and any other sites where you physically participated in broadcasting. PIV stands for Personal Information Violation, which is when someone posts your information or photo online without your permission. DATABASE is the information that sells for .99 and typically consists of public records and other free online information. COPYRIGHT INFORMATION is information that is protected, such as newspaper articles, photos and other content deemed as protected. IMAGES are photos of you floating around in digital dystopia. The next few chapters show you how you will play digital detective and hunt for everything that is known about you. The problem with information online is that it’s like an ocean where the tides and currents choose their time and direction. Therefore, once you locate your information, I suggest that you wait a few days and redo the search for information you possibly missed or that was recently posted. The Digital Hit Man is the perfect bookend and follow up to Frank M. Ahearn’s bestselling book How to Disappear: Erase Your Digital Footprint, Leave False Trails, and Vanish without a Trace. Inside of the Digital Hit Man you will learn how Frank M. Ahearn the world’s leading expert on disappearing would go about obtaining and maintaining a new identity.